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芬兰维萨拉公司(VAISALA Oyj)创立于1936年,是世界上最著名的气象设备、 路面检测及温湿度测量产品的生产厂家。VAISALA(维萨拉)总部位于芬兰首都赫尔辛基,在美国、日本、德国、法国、英国、澳大利亚、马来西亚及中国均设有子公司或办事处。 在自创办至今的60年的历史中,VAISALA(维萨拉)公司始终致力于气象设备、路面检测及温湿度测量产品的开发与生产并一直处于世界领先地位。1973年,VAISALA(维萨拉)公司研制并生产出了世界上第一只薄膜电容式湿敏探头--HUMICAP®,从而使电子测湿产品的发展进入了一个新的时代。1991年VAISALA(维萨拉)公司生产出了世界上第一只可现场更换且无需校准的薄膜电容式湿敏探头--INTERCAP®,极大地减轻了暖通行业所使用的温湿度传感器的维护工作量。1997年VAISALA(维萨拉)公司又生产出了可在350 ℃高温环境下工作的露点传感器--DRYCAP®,满足了造纸、木材加工、食品加工等工业领域的特殊要求。 除了温湿度测量产品之外,维萨拉公司还生产气压表、二氧化碳和氨气检测仪器。VAISALA(维萨拉)的产品在世界范围内被广泛地应用于农业、机械、石油、化工、电力、造纸、气象、食品加工、制药、纺织、航空航天及国防等工业领域和民用建筑的采暖通风系统。美国航天飞机、毛主席纪念堂均有VAISALA(维萨拉)公司的产品。

Vaisala is a global leader in environmental and industrial measurement. Building on 80 years of experience, Vaisala provides observations for a better world. We are a reliable partner for customers around the world, offering a comprehensive range of innovative observation and measurement products and services. 

Headquartered in Finland, Vaisala employs approximately 1,600 professionals worldwide and is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Helsinki stock exchange.

Vaisala’s business is conducted by two business areas: Industrial Measurements as well as Weather and Environment. The customers of Weather business include meteorological institutes, airports, roads and railroad, defense, and energy industry. Industrial Business area offers products and services to Life Science customers and chosen applications in various industries. Customers use our fixed and hand held measurement instruments as well as calibration services for temperature, humidity, dewpoint, carbon dioxide, moisture in oil and pressure.

Vaisala's origins date back to the 1930s when Professor Vilho Väisälä, Vaisala's founder and long-time managing director, invented some of the operating principles of a radiosonde. The company was established in 1936 in Finland, and the first radiosondes were manufactured in the basement of a residential building in the center of Helsinki. From a modest start, the company evolved to become a world leader in many measurement fields. 

Nowadays Vaisala employs approximately 1,600 people and exports 98% of its production to over 150 countries. Curiosity, the desire to meet challenges and an extraordinary ability to innovate are at Vaisala's core, both past and p​resent.

Our aim is to provide our customers products and services with mix of performance, reliability and convenience to best fulfill the needs of the customers.

We regularly measure customer satisfaction, the performance of our internal processes, the learning and professional growth of Vaisala employees and the financial performance of the Vaisala Group.

Managers on all levels systematically and continuously measure, review, and take action to improve our quality performance.

Specific quality goals and targets are defined in the strategies of the market segments. The cross-functional work for continuous quality improvement is steered by the Quality Council. 

Every Vaisala manager is responsible for the quality performance in the segment, function, project and business process of his or her own.

Every employee is responsible for his or her own quality performance in the business process. 

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